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At Taranaki Dio, wellbeing means your daughter can rebound from adversity, use grit when challenged and have optimism for the future.
Wellbeing is the complex combination of a student’s physical, social, emotional and spiritual influences, which link to happiness and satisfaction. We have adopted the evidence-based approach of Positive Education to enable students to not only thrive as learners but establish solid foundations for ongoing success in their lives beyond school.
Positive Education has its basis in Positive Psychology, a strengths-focused, scientifically-proven approach to enabling individuals and communities to flourish.
One of the field’s pioneers was former president of the American Psychological Association, Martin Seligman. His scientific study of the effects of positive emotions and the ways they improve health, performance and overall life satisfaction, have shown that authentic, meaningful happiness can be taught and learned.
At Taranaki Dio, Positive Education is being integrated into curricular, co-curricular and pastoral care programmes. Our students learn to identify their strengths. We focus on building key areas, including:
Positive Education aligns strongly with our focus on educating the whole girl and our emphasis on the development of general wellbeing. Over time, Positive Education will be embedded in every aspect of Taranaki Dio life.
“There are two complementary strategies for improving the human condition. One is to relieve what is negative in life; the other is to strengthen what is positive. Mainstream psychology focuses largely on the first strategy; Positive Psychology emphasises the second” – Martin Seligman.
In Years 9 and 10, we ensure expectations and responsibilities are fair and equitable, and the development of vision boards ensures that realistic and achievable goals are set, and regularly reviewed.
Our small class sizes and vertical form pastoral care ensures that each student is well-known by staff and monitored closely to ensure she is happy, developing sound relationships with her peers and teachers, is fulfilled in her spiritual beliefs, enjoys a range of physical and leisure pursuits, and experiences a sense of belonging.
Providing inbuilt physical activity at school is an important part in helping students develop and maintain their physical wellbeing. Regular physical education classes assist students to develop skills, keep fit and maintain a strong physical structure
The Dance programme provides additional physical activity to be enjoyed by all Year 9 students. We strongly encourage all girls to participate in a range of physical pursuits after school, knowing that this helps maintain their physical wellbeing.
Developing and maintaining a social group is vital for every student to maintain her psychological wellbeing. Development of relationships is encouraged both in and out of the classroom. A well-designed Big Sister Little Sister Orientation programme supports new students and ensures a connectedness with peers. All Year 9 students undertake the Travellers Programme and a Year 9 camp during week three is specifically designed to support all new girls to socialise and make new friends.
We are a restorative practice school and each staff member, both in boarding and in the day school, has undergone training. This training enables us to take a strong stance on bullying behaviours.
Self-management of behaviour and emotion is encouraged, with few rules to hinder this. Professional support is provided through the Form Teacher, Year Level Dean and Chaplain. Our strong pastoral care ensures each student is supported and has a listening ear, especially in the areas of faith, spirituality, relationships and grief.
Taranaki Dio is an Anglican School with a Christian faith and a commitment to the gospel values. Opportunities to explore spirituality include weekly Chapel Services (led by the students and supported by the Chaplain), Contemplative Prayer and Mindfulness in the Futures programme, night prayer in the boarding house, guest speakers and special events.
Our girls attend services outside of the regular chapel service times three times a year. One service at Holy Trinity Stratford in our parish, one service in a Taranaki Diocese church and our annual Founders’ Day evening service in October. Our Leavers’ Chapel Service and our Christmas Service are also highlights of the school year.